The Medicinal Grower
Online Course
Pictured: Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita) happy and flourishing at an MRN trials site.
A medicinal, herbaceous annual - chamomile provides a wide spectrum of benefits for humans, habitat, and soil.
Pictured: Freshly harvested Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) roots. Mineral Roots Farm
The Medicinal Grower gives participants the inside scoop on how to grow wildly abundant medicinal grade plants, build truly regenerative and mineral-rich soil, design curated backyard medicine gardens and food forests, and apply diverse agroecology lineages to foster long-term homestead resilience.
Researcher, farmer/educator, and medicinal nursery owner, Amy Kousch, opens the door wide open to the wonderous world of medicinal ecology in order to give you a detailed, step-by-step, tour of the nuanced strategies and techniques she uses to cultivate prolific, exceptionally healthy, medicinal grade nursery stock, create living soil, and to create living medicinal food forests with roots in conservation biology.
Do you want to…
Cultivate medicinal, food-forest, gardenscapes for your family …
Create a medicinal plant business grounded in regeneration …
Or add an upcoming revenue stream to your existing farm or wellness business …
We’ve got you covered.
This comprehensive, applied, 4-month program will give you the tools, knowledge, and SUPPORT you need to understand the science and strategies behind difficult to germinate medicinal plant species in addition to well-known favorites - and to grow deeply nutrient-dense plant medicine (and food) for you and your family at the home to small-farm scale… and more.
Our 4-month course provides students with dynamic weekly modules - filled with live learning sessions, richly, detailed pre-recorded sessions, easy -to- print PDF worksheets for deeper learning, cohesive homework and research assignments, and fresh ecology lab and plant materials (mailed to participants) to accompany learning sessions. We provide you with additional carbon and climate communications strategies to build your business storytelling toolkit - while supporting you on your medicinal grower journey.
Students can depend on live support, mentoring, and Q and A sessions with Amy and the Mineral Roots Team. Students have access to course material for life.
Enrollment in The Medicinal Grower CLOSES December 6, 2024
special pricing ends 12/6
Class is IN SESSION beginning February 3, 2025.
Pictured: Herbalism students taking part in an autumn root harvest at in-person medicinal ecology immersive.
The Medicinal Grower includes a robust field of study, including the following course credit hours:
Phytochemistry (4 credit hours)
Field Botany (4 credit hours)(
Foundational Soil Science for Growers (4 credit hours)
Soil Biology for Growers (4 credit hours)
Foundational Conservation Biology (8 credit hours)
Agroecology lineages (12 credit hours)
Land stewardship as conservation agriculture (4 credit hours)
Indigenous land stewardship of the northeast
Indigenous land stewardship of the northwest
Eastern European mountain stewardship
Forest farming of Appalachian spine
Medicinal Nursery Propagation (8 credit hours)
Ecological Garden and Farm Design (20 credit hours)
Creating sanctuary and approaches to planning/design (2)
Materials, sourcing, and ingredients (2 )
Amendments and inputs (2)
Guild communities (6)
Beneficial insects and pollinator science (4)
Growing medicine (4)
Human wellness and medicine making (4 credit hours)
Tea, tincture, balms, salves and other extractions
Where the Wild Things Grow
Pictured: Ashwagandha to Angelica to so many in-between. Mineral Roots nursery stock ready to go to their new homes. Learn how to grow these plants and more!
Watch A Preview…
Here’s a mash-up from a live, medicinal ecology 101 session instructed by Mineral Roots’ head grower, Amy.
Strong Plants. Strong Roots.
Starts with Hands-on Learning…
Pictured: Elecampane (Inula helenium) starts, at about 3 months old from seeding. Mineral Roots Nursery
Mineral Roots Founder and Head Grower, Amy Kousch ~ Your Lead Medicinal Grower Instructor
A leader in the field of medicinal plant and soil/water research, Mineral Roots founder, Amy Kousch, has been growing, studying, teaching about and learning from plants for twenty years and has pursued an intense, small-scale greenhouse propagation trajectory for a decade as a trained medicinal plant specialist (B,S. Natural Resources, M.S. Agricultural Sciences, current PhD student, plant sciences). Mineral Roots operates a medicinal herb farm, research plots, a propagation greenhouse, and more…all on a small-scale.
Amy’s experience as a medicinal plant educator spans a robust portfolio of public presentations, guest teacher intensives, conference proceedings, community demonstrations, university instruction, and online teaching. At the heart of healing plants resides an innate calling to coach others in the propagation of these incredibly special living species. Students often provide feedback that names Amy’s down-to-earth connection building with individuals and generous, servant-leadership teaching style.
Once a therapeutic, writing teacher for high-school students in a large city - and a graduate student in Special Education - Amy honors the student experience as paramount to grower success and weaves exceptional instruction with quality mentor guidance.
Mineral Roots Nursery is an active member of:
Big Medicine.
Small Space.
Featured In:
Sowing Seeds of Strenth.
June, 2024
Sugar Beet
On Restorative Agriculture and Medicinal Herbs
With Amy Kousch, food systems expert and head grower of Berchta Botanicals.
August, 2023
Living Permaculture Podcast
Grower Profile
Fall 2024
Meet Your Classmates…
Pictured: Medicinal grade Mt. Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa) grown from organic, wild seed just lands different.
A Sample of Medicinal Species From The Course… (common names)
Motherwort (Chinese, Siberian, and Official)
Skullcap (Chinese and Official)
Vervain (European and Official)
Sage, white
Arnica, meadow
Echinacea angustifolia
Moroccan mint
Compass plant
Mountain bee balm
Tulsi basil
And so many more…
Course Content
The Medicinal Grower includes 16 weeks of applied, medicinal ecology learning over the course of four-months, and each module is designed to ensure skill transfer and to catalyze your ecological growing dreams into abundant life.
February: Grounding into Purpose
Before seeds break dormancy, certain hormones activate disruption mechanisms to signal that it is time for the seed to awake.
In month one, we signal and activate a clear route. We explore our intentions and goals so that students can chart an individualized path toward their medicinal ecology goals.
Covered here, we get grounded in foundations of soil science, plant science, conservation biology, and agroecological lineages.
Pictured: Living water (Cameron peak wilderness); Rosa woodsii (Rawah wilderness); Community of herbalists learning (Mineral Roots Workshop); Chinese skullcap (Mineral Roots hoophouse) Chinese motherwort flowering plant (Mineral Roots hoophouse); Brilliant calendula blooms (Mineral Roots Field Trials).
March: Breaking Dormancy
In the natural world, weather, climate, and animal systems dominate many of the external stressors necessary to ensure germination of seeds.
In month two, students learn crucial time-tested and trialed stratification and scarification techniques for a wide variety of medicinal plant species.
We cover a wide-range of woody and herbaceous perennials as well as annual species and dive deep into medicinal nursery logistics, including materials, supplies, timing, and plant health.
Pictured: Biodiverse, medicinal species represented in our residential/suburban, demo, backyard greenhouse. nursery stock. Mineral Roots Research Site.
April: Growing Medicinal Ecosystems
There are a dizzying array of “field” practices to apply - based on one’s grow site - whether backyard, small lot, small acreage, and mid-sized farm.
When we considered the varied needs of many at-risk medicinal plants - alongside the hard-working attributes of plant guilds - pieces begin to fit together.
In month three, students learn and apply conservation biology concepts to habitat restoration and ecological farm and garden planning, including pollinator and beneficial insect biology, creating plant guilds, and continued medicinal nursery skills, as we prepare for land work.
Pictured: Pictured: Oats ( Avena sativa) a medicinal annual in the grass family - providing a wide spectrum of nutrients for humans and for soil (Mineral Roots Nursery Field Trials) ; Annual, flowering buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) growing alongside perennial lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) as a companion cover-crop (Mineral Roots Field Trials); Mineral Roots restoration sites over the years; Borage and milkweed as pollinator refuge (Mineral Roots Grow Sites).
May: Field, Flower, and Harvest
In our final month four, we explore botany, herbalism, phytochemistry, harvest and post-harvest considerations — and students learn how to make and store medicine from the land. Areas of study from the course continue to scaffold here also - including medicinal plant cultivation tactics.
Students gain the knowledge to harvest and store root crops as well in the coming late season months.
Individual student capstone projects begin to surface here as well - and attention is paid to creating tailored plans so that you are in the best place to create a thriving medicinal ecology landscape.
Pictured: A lovely fresh herbal harvest; Chinese skullcap flowers, chamomile dried and ready for storage, marshmallow root harvest, towering yarrow, and a close-up of the flowering structure of Agastache foeniculum. (Mineral Roots Various Sites).
Sample Content Area: Forest Farming and At-Risk Plants
Sample Content Area: Soil Biology
Sample Content Area: Plant-based, Mineral Amendments
Sample Content Area: Heirloom, Ancient Grains and Companion Food
Pictured: Diag amaranth - a native, heirloom variety from Mexico.
I was very pleased by my experience in Medicine Farm School this year (2022) and recommend this learning opportunity for anyone who is interested in an experiential botany course that targets the growing of medicinal herbs. Master teacher Amy Kousch is a warm, inviting presence and she is truly interested in seeing her students exceed their own expectations for what they can learn, grow and harvest. — Lydia
Whether speaking about soil health or encouraging biodiversity in one's plantings, Amy brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for regenerative farming that is both easily digestible and all together inspiring. — Erin
Very informative! It was amazing. Amy’s knowledge was spot on. I learned how plants can help the soil. I never gave that a thought before the class. - Gardens on Spring Creek Student
The plants we purchased from you...they come back to love us year after year. The nettles are just huge! - Julie
Got my compost tea going before my comfrey and nettle leaves really got frosty. Loved your presentation, thanks for sharing your knowledge!
_ Jordan
I wanted to thank you for such a great class. I can understand soil now in a way that I wasn't able to before. — Jessica
Laura Cascardi, herbalist and owner of Equinox Center of Herbal Studies in Fort Collins, applauds Kousch’s skills, calling her one of the most amazing horticulturists she’s ever met. Kousch’s plants are incredibly vibrant, Cascardi says, almost glowing. “Her methods are beyond organic,” Cascardi says. “You can tell as soon as you see them.“If someone wants to learn to grow plants, she’s the person they should be learning from in this region,” Cascardi says. “I’ve seen her do things and create soil and garden beds that are just off the charts.”
Sage, white (Salvia apiana), putting on some nice, mid-stage growth. MRN.
What this course is:
A detailed, rigorous deep-dive into the knowledge and techniques necessary to start many perennial and annual medicinal plants from seed — and raise to garden/farm ready maturity
An online, medicinal ecology garden design course. We deliver material that is not offered in any other garden course on the market, in one place and will most definitely provide you with the tools for a thriving, 2025 garden or homestead.
A course steeped in botany, agroecology, plant and soil science, and horticulture with a soil health, habitat restoration, and ecological frame.
A curriculum filled with education about diverse regenerative lineages, including biodynamics and permaculture, rooted in science, as they relate to growing beyond organic nursery plants.
A full-spectrum, dynamic experience with live interaction, life-time access to resources, and built on decades of experience with the commitment to providing students with a rock-solid foundation for backyard nursery success.
An investment in the genuine sustainability, resiliency, healing, health, and vitality of yourself and your family.
What this course is not:
A greenhouse building course. While our bonus material provides plenty of resources and guidance for how to construct low-tech and affordable backyard greenhouses, this course is not a construction program. You will absolutely need a rock-solid indoor seed-starting set-up and/or an outdoor greenhouse in order to successfully grow healthy nursery stock.
A clinical herbalism course. We provide loads of medicinal information, of course! This is The Medicinal Grower — but we are here to serve the dedicated plant stewardship realm of herbalism — human medical concepts critical to clinical herbalism, such as physiology and anatomy, organic chemistry, and other human systems — are not covered here.
A highly-mechanized, digitalized, automated approach. We are fairly old-school with methods and these methods require patience, time, and devotion.
A plug and play instructional on how to make money selling plants. We teach you the skills to grow sacred medicine and offer some insights based on our experience in this field, but this is not a business course.
In addition, as a student in a UPS endorsed program, each student has the option to enroll as a United Plant Savers member for free. UPS members receive amazing discounts on a myriad of herbal offerings. Information on perks HERE.
Hi there! Please reach out to schedule a human to human chat with us if you have ANY questions at all…we recognize that investments in energy, commitment, and capital require research! Please use our calendly link HERE>> to schedule ~
Our 4-month course provides students with dynamic weekly modules - filled with live learning sessions, richly, detailed pre-recorded sessions, PDF worksheets for deeper learning, cohesive homework and research assignments, and fresh ecology lab and plant materials (mailed to participants) to accompany learning sessions. We also provide you with additional carbon and climate communications strategies to build your business storytelling toolkit. Terms and Conditions
Upon entrance into the program, student all receive a full syllabus with required readings (expect to spend $50-$80 on required texts – we provide a minimum required reading list and then build out with optional texts from there) and your first month’s lab bundle by mid January - as well as clear instructions for how to attend our first live session (though these will be recorded and uploaded to the class page, also) and access course content.
We will make sure that you have EVERYTHING you need to SUCCEED.
We focus on conservation biology and soil health and challenging and hard-to-grow medicinal species - along with easier to germinate plants as well in a way that digs deep in the why, how, and natural history. This course asks alot of student by way of academic work. We want you to know and understand. Because we have decades of growing experience, we are able to provide ample supplemental garden growing advice, as well, for these and other more common crops.
Yes - if you are building a 2025 garden from scratch And our course provides with supplies and sourcing information in time to ensure that you have time to order what you need for the 2024/2025 nursery start-up season. However, growing a full, new garden or homestead is not a requirement for the certificate.
No! We cover medicinal species that thrive in wide variety of regions and climates.
No. While our bonus material provides plenty of resources and guidance for how to construct low-tech and affordable backyard greenhouses, this course is not a construction program. You will absolutely need a rock-solid indoor seed-starting set-up and/or an outdoor greenhouse in order to successfully grow healthy nursery stock.
Due to the extensive amount of time, energy, and resources we devote to this program - we ask that prospective students also take this commitment seriously, as we DO NOT offer refunds for folks who decide to end the course for any reason.
Please reach out to hello@mineralroots.com and our friendly team will be happy to help!